Nepal had defeated USA by eight wickets to claim the title and their biggest ever international trophy in foreign soil. Skipper of the team Parash Khakam while sounding jubilant but not at
all complacent said that more investment into the game could help the team achieve even bigger achievements.
Nepali cricket team, after already advancing into the ICC World Cricket league division 3 prior to their final against the United States on Monday provided fans back home with more reason to cheer about as they produced a stunning 8 wicket victory in the final of division 4. The team is now set to participate in the ICC world cricket league division 3 which will be held on August of 2013 in Bermuda.
Nepal will have to compete with USA, Uganda,Oman, Italy and organizers Bermuda in division 3. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Dr.Baburam Bhattarai has also congratulated the Nepali cricket team, calling the latter's achievement as the biggest in Nepal's cricketing history. He also expressed his wish to congratulate the members of the team on behalf of Nepal government for making it to division three. He has also praised the contribution of Nepali cricketers for promoting Nepal's prestige in the international arena through the medium of sports.
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