exactly are we looking at? Here is the list of new features we expect from the new iPhone. And we are fairly sure that we are not wide off the mark. So just to sum up all the rumors, speculations and leaks, this is what should be new with the iPhone 5.
Larger Screen: A Larger screen has been a long time calling for Apple. As it’s nearest competitor in Android is moving graciously betweeen a 4 inch screen to about 5.5 inches in the latest variant of Galaxy Note, it is about time Apple moves on from the obselete 3.5 inch display. No doubt the screen on the iPhone 4s was terrific and we loved it, yet it felt small coming from a device like HTC One X or the Galaxy SIII. We definitely can expect at least a 4 inch screen this time around.
iOS 6: iOS 6 is definitely on the horizon as Apple moves to launch the new operating system to the public finally. So far the OS was available to the developers only and having used the OS myself, I feel it would work brilliantly on the new iPhone which would definitely see a bump in terms of the specs. iOS would also be launched in the mean time for the older iDevices. iOS 6 would bring in more functional Siri, Facebook integration and features like Do not Disturb. It definitely would be a thing worth looking out for.
Faster Processor: We saw Apple move to a dual core processor while launching the new iPhone 4s last year and it would not be a bad guess to imagine that Apple would add at least another supporting core or maybe even 2 cores and give us a quad core device. The GPU would also be given a much needed bump.
Better Battery Backup: One of the main qualms of previous iPhones have been a rather poor battery back up. We do expect this time around that Apple would give more considerations to a better and a more powerful battery that would give us at the very least one entire day.
4G LTE: Finally Apple maybe ready to move on to the faster data speeds of 4G and we may see this kick on with the new iPhone 5. A much needed step forward.
Entire New Chassis: From the rendered images it was pretty clear that Apple is working away from the glass back screen which was easily prone to cracking away. We may see the return of an Aluminium type back like it was in the iPhone first generation. It definitely would give the phone a more luxury feel.
9 Pin Connector: Apple might finally be moving away from the 30 pin connectors to a more sophisticated 9 pin one. This is a very likely feature to come out given the fact that most of the mock ups so far have exclusively focused on the dock connection.
All New Designed Headphones: This might sound odd, but most of the people use their iPhones primarily to listen to music other than to use it for the ability to make phone calls. Hence, it would come as no surprise if Apple plans to revamp their headphones which have now kind of gotten old to a better new design and add some much needed base to them.
So those were our predicted new additions to the iPhone 5 that we are likely to see in about a weeks’ time. What are your opinions regarding this? Would you like to see any other feature not listed here? Do let us know in the section below.
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