Syrian regime "probably has the largest and most advanced chemical warfare
program in the Arab world," Michael Eisenstadt, director of the military
and security studies program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy,
told CNN last month.
includes "thousands of tube and rocket artillery rounds filled with
mustard-type blister agents, thousands of bombs filled with the nerve agents
sarin and possibly VX, and binary-type and cluster CW warheads filled with
nerve agents for all its major missile systems.
"Its CW infrastructure is believed to include several
production facilities and numerous storage sites, mostly dispersed throughout
the western half of the country," Eisenstadt said.
have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that
that's a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences if we
start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front or the use of chemical
remarks appeared to ratchet up his stance on the matter. Last month, talking
about Syrian forces, he told a VFW convention, "They will be held
accountable by the international community and the United States should they
make the tragic mistake of using those weapons."
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